Google SMS - forget 411, get free phone numbers, addresses, driving directions, movie showtimes, weather and stock quotes, and more!

 Google SMS This is pretty amazing stuff here!  Google has created a new service called Google Short Message Service (SMS) which allows you to get tons of information for free by sending a query as a text message from your cell phone.  That’s right – you no longer need a browser to search google, you can just text your query to them at 46645 (GOOGL).  And you no longer need to pay expensive directory service charges to get a phone number or an address while using your cell phone either.  You only pay for the cost of the text message (and google’s responding text message) – which generally is about 2 cents a pop, or free for the many folk who have unlimited text messaging as part of their cell phone plans.  Lost?  No map?  Get directions.  Wanna catch a movie?  Get theaters and showtimes. 

From Google’s website:

What is Google SMS?

Google SMS (Short Message Service) enables you to send queries as text messages over your mobile phone or device and easily get precise answers to your questions. No links. No web pages. Just text — and the information you're looking for:

How do I use it?

  1. Enter your query as a text message.
  2. Send the message to the US shortcode 46645 (GOOGL on most phones).
  3. Receive a text message (or messages) with your results, usually within a minute. Results may be labeled as "1/3", "2/3", etc.
  4. To get Google SMS help info sent directly to your phone, send the word 'help' as a text message to 46645.
     Try their online demo.

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