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March 01, 2006
March of the Migraines (I mean February...)
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Sorry that it's been ages since my last post, and I haven't been as good as I'd like about responding to e-mails, but this past month has sucked royally as I've been getting migraines almost every other day (which I'm going to start a separate blog about when time permits...)
The good news is that I saw a neurologist at UCSF and I officially do not have a brain tumor (thank God!)
The bad news is that I do suffer from classic migraines, which have been increasing in frequency and severity lately (grrr) and while my doctor prescribed some preventative migraine medications to try, get this: possible side effects of the preventative migraine medications are... MIGRAINES (I have to laugh about it because otherwise I'll just cry). Needless to say, the first preventative medicine that I tried (Norvasc) was clearly causing me to have more migraines, so I'm now trying preventative medicine number two (Verapamil), but you can only take a half dose for the first 10 days as your system gets used to it (during which time I got plenty of migraines-- Joy), and then you can ramp up to the full effective dose. So far I'm on day 13, and am keeping my fingers crossed (it's been two days without a migraine!!). wish me luck.
More to come later..
Technorati Tags: migraines, headaches, migraine, headache
March 1, 2006 in Ramblings | Permalink | Email This Post
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