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January 31, 2006

WordPress 2.0.1 has been released



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One month to the day from when wordpress 2.0 first came out, the first wordpress point release to address the many needed bug fixes has come out.  The team states that :

"All in all we’ve closed 114 bugs in the 2.0.1 release, which you’re welcome to check out if you’re curious about every fix. To summarize:

  • You can now specify an upload directory, and whether to use date-based storage or not.
  • Caching has been fixed under certain PHP enviroments.
  • Permalinks have been fixed for weird enviroments as well.
  • XML-RPC uploading works.
  • Compatibility with older versions of PHP.
  • Several WYSIWYG fixes and cleanups.
  • Imports now use much less memory.
  • Now works with MySQL 5.0 in strict mode."

Now, what's ominously missing from this list of bug fixes is any mention of the problems with trackbacks, which is my main hesitation for upgrading all my wordpress blogs.  Yet in reading through the complete list of fixes, it appears the trackback problems were fixed -- see tickets 2197 and 2170 -- I must say that I don't know why the WordPress team didn't emphasize that in their bulleted list of fixes.  In any case, I'm thrilled to hear it's been fixed -- YAY!  Hopefully this means I can seriously contemplate moving my blog from TypePad to WordPress.  Unfortunately, TypePad doesn't support functionality for 301 permanent redirects, which are what would be necessary to tell the search engines that my blog has moved (and word to the wise and newbie alike -- don't ever make the mistake that I did and use a subdomain off a typepad.com, wordpress.com, etc account if you think there's ever the slightest chance you'd like to use your own domain name down the road, or heaven forbid switch to a different blogging system altogether -- moving How to Blog is gonna be one hell of a nightmare, but the benefits that WordPress provides may make it worth it...still on the fence)

In any case, you can download WordPress 2.0.1 here.

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When I moved from Blogger to WordPress, all I did was leave the old site up and running with not so much a redirect as a message asking people to come to the new site and providing a link (in fact, a number of reminder links throughout the final post and in the blog subtitle descriptive!).

If you're not in any rush to delete the TypePad blog, you could just create a final post advising people to 'come on over'. You'd be surprised. I didn't lose any visitors as far as I can tell, certainly not my regular ones and my site traffic is slowly but surely increasing anyway. At the end of the day, regardless, you do what you want to do and if breaking free of TypePad does involve a temporary dip in traffic, it will pick up again - people will find your site, it's well-established. And wonderful, by the way. Thanks for maintaining it. I'm a newbie to WordPress, did a clean install of 2.0 now on 2.0.1, had a few problems setting my blog up, but all seems fine now. Still haven't found a plugin for Flickr photos that works, though, despite some being listed as 'compatible' on wordpress.org. Yeah, right.... x

Posted by: Spicy Cauldron | Feb 16, 2006 7:54:18 AM


Are you certain you cannot do a 301 redirect? I have never used typepad so I do not know. It would make sence that they would not allow any file uploads to accomplish this - for like you said, to keep you paying.

Sucks your stuck with .html pages and not .php or it would be easy.

You emailed typepad I assume?

If so this is an eye opening article bordering on unethical imo.

Posted by: Miles Evans | Feb 26, 2006 7:00:28 PM

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