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November 30, 2005

WordPress Theme Toolkit allows users and authors to add an admin menu to existing themes



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Just found out that Ozh has created a WordPress Theme Toolkit which, upon editing three lines of code in any existing theme, will provide Theme Authors with an admin menu accessible through the WordPress Presentation UI.  Very cool stuff — all would-be wordpress theme authors should check it out!  Same goes for those of you dabbling in modifying existing themes.  Nice work Ozh!

November 30, 2005 in Templates, Themes, Weblogs, WordPress | Permalink | Email This Post | Comments (0)

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Holy Moly! WordPress Theme List grows to over 460 WP 1.5.x Themes!



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Boy, theme authors have been busy during the month-plus while I was sick! 

I just spent the entire day working on updating my comprehensive wordpress theme list, and it's now up to a whopping 463 wordpress themes

When I first started the list, I never guessed it would grow to be so large!  I thought we'd hit a huge milestone when we crossed the 200 mark.  Now we're at 463 and growing -- way to go to the wordpress community and all the theme authors that so generously have shared their work with us! 

Color me blown away!

November 30, 2005 in Templates, Themes, Weblogs, WordPress | Permalink | Email This Post | Comments (0)

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November 27, 2005

369 Free WordPress Themes now available - the wp theme list has been updated!



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Just a note that my comprehensive list of free themes for WordPress 1.5 and up has been updated to add 13 new themes, and now consists of a whopping 369 themes!

As always, tremendous props to the many theme authors for all their hard work in creating these themes AND for their generousity in sharing them with the wordpress community.  If you’re using someone’s theme, I’d bet they’d love to hear about it so shoot them an email and give them the thanks they deserve.

On a more frustrating note, I’ve discovered at least two people who have stolen my wordpress theme list and reprinted it on their websites without my permission, one of them even claiming it as his own work (with the audacity of reprinting word-for-word all of the accompanying verbiage that went with my post!)  Fortunately, I’ve resolved the issue in both instances, but this prompted me to remind everyone that my blog posts (and yours!) are protected under copyright laws and may not be reprinted without permission.

Much thanks to Tony at tonystreet.com for notifying me about the guy who stole my post in it’s entirety and helping me to get him to remove it (and also for all the wonderful wordpress themes he has created and shared with us!)

To my loyal blog readers – if you come across a site which has stolen my theme list, please let me know by emailing me at howtoblog @ gmail.com (remove the spaces – protecting myself from spammers).  I’ve spent well over 40 hours in the months since March 2005 on both creating and maintaining my comprehensive list of free wordpress themes.

Also, thanks to everyone for the kind words (and patience) while I’ve been ill.  Migraines are a real nightmare to deal with, and prevented me from being online for quite some time.  But I’ve been feeling better lately, and while I’ll need to attend to some work in order to be able to pay my mortgage, I look forward to getting back to work on How to Blog!!  I’ve missed you guys!

November 27, 2005 in Templates, Themes, Weblogs, WordPress | Permalink | Email This Post | Comments (1)

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