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September 09, 2005
Ping-o-matic gets speed increase

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If you've been using pingomatic to notify the world of when you've updated your blog, you may have noticed that the service seems much faster lately. It's not your imagination. On September 6th, they upgraded the service, saying:
"our good friends at Textdrive moved us to their new datacenter and to hardware that is significantly better. We’re doing about double the number of requests we used to and there has been no downtime since the move. (All the old downtime was caused by the service overloading the resources available.) It’s going to be even better soon, as we have an exciting partner announcement coming up"
Pretty cool! Can’t wait to hear the upcoming announcement and additional planned improvements!
September 9, 2005 in Weblogs | Permalink | Email This Post
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I'm not sure if the other ping services such as http://www.pingoat.com will ever catch on, but some of them look promising as well :)
Posted by: Designer Blog | Oct 5, 2005 7:14:54 PM
We didn't find pingomatic until recently. The one we have been using is very good! Helped us get our latest site visited and ranked VERY quickly! Gotta love blog and ping! You can find the one we have been using at:
Posted by: Michael | Nov 28, 2005 12:58:26 AM
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