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April 14, 2005
How to customize an existing WordPress 1.5 theme just the way you want

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Well, a big THANK YOU is in order to UrbanGiraffe who has created a theme guide for modifying WordPress 1.5 themes to customize them for your site (in case none of the 369+ free wordpress themes currently available completely fit the bill for your site). Part 1 of the Guide spans 8 (!) pages and is quite detailed. Here's an excerpt that hilights what you can expect from Part 1:
"Despite the availability of hundreds of themes, and the general goodness of the default Kubrick theme, sometimes you just want to give your blog that personal touch, and the only way to do this is by going under the hood and having a look around. <snip>
With this in mind I decided to write a guide that would help not only myself, but might also help others who have been put off trying to experiment with WordPress.<snip>
In writing this I will assume a rudimentary knowledge of HTML and CSS. I will attempt to annotate all the important parts. The guide will begin slowly, but should speed up once a level of comfort has been reached.
Rather than starting a theme from scratch, and having to explain everything, I will instead focus on dissecting an existing theme and explaining parts as they are required. From a personal point of view, I find it easier to learn things by focussing on the small details, and ignoring everything else. In this instance I will be using the default WordPress 1.5 theme Kubrick."
Part 2, which has yet to be posted, will focus on customizing your sidebar content.
UPDATE: Customizing existing wordpress themes continued
April 14, 2005 in Templates, Themes, Weblogs, WordPress | Permalink | Email This Post
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